International Programs

A Program to Introduce and Land High-Growth, Innovation-Driven International Startups in New England’s Technology Innovation Ecosystem Through the ACTION Innovation Network.

ACTION Innovation Network is a proud recipient of a 2018 U.S. Department of Commerce EDA Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) i6 grant to support the Plymouth Rock Project.

The purpose of the Plymouth Rock Project (PRP) is to build partnerships with international organizations and agencies to attract, land and grow international high-growth, innovation-based technology startup companies looking to establish a US presence and/or headquarters in the greater Boston and New England region, through our network of technology business incubators.

The Plymouth Rock Project will:

  1. Create a comprehensive, easily searchable ecosystem asset map of the ACTION Innovation Network and physical assets for technology development as a resource for international and domestic startups and as a promotional tool for the region
  2. Offer webinars with topics relevant to international startups looking to establish a presence in the region
  3. Maintain a resource page on topics relevant to international landing for use by incubators and international startups
  4. Hold educational sessions to enable incubators to assist international startups
  5. Offer various length programs that attract and support the landing of international technology startups to ACTION’s incubator network
  6. Provide site visits to incubators and networking opportunities
  7. Expand our relationships with international organizations and agencies

If you want to learn more, please